Friday, November 27, 2020

11/28/20 Free College Picks (14-2, 12-1 Last Week). Now 112-24.....82.3% vs Moneyline!

 Welcome to  Kenny Rogers Gambling Blog

Kenny Rogers Sportsbook Poker Slots 

by Kenny Rogers

12-1 Last Week! Now 98-22 Moneyline 81.6%.

14-2 this week. Wow! Now 112-24.....82.3% vs Moneyline

My picks are free, and no fees!

Thank you my 50 original friends from Las Vegas,


following, believing and betting with me! 

Thank you for sending me $50--$100 per week 

for my winning bets. 

Bet with me!!!!

Sign up, minimum deposit $25, setup password/user name and bet. 

   Stop betting against the spread! 

Bet Win Moneyline Only!!!!! 

I don't care if you bet with me or against me.

I cash alot of winning tickets. I don't care if team wins by 1 point or 30+ points. 

I guaranteed you winners without paying fees.  

How much did you pay this week for your Guaranteed Winners $49.99 to $99.99+, maybe more?

Why are you paying money for Guaranteed Winners?????? 

My picks are free, and no fees!

The Hottest Tickets On the Internet...Pop, Rock, Country, Hip-Hop, Festivals, Broadway, Las Vegas, NFL, NBA, NHL, MLB, MLS
Buy and sell tickets to concerts, theater shows, and sporting events anywhere in the world.

 Let's get ready to rumble! 20 games cancelled.


14-2 Wow! Now 112-24.....82.3% vs Moneyline

How much did you pay this week for your Guaranteed Winners $49.99 to $99.99+?

11/27 Fri


1) Liberty 8-1 (-35) crushes Mass 0-3 loses (45-0) correct


2) (#2) Notre Dame 8-0 (-5) beats (25) North Carolina 6-2 (31-17) correct


3) UCF 5-3 crushes S. Fl 1-7 (58-46) correct


4) (9) Oregon St 1-2 defeats Oreg  3-0 (41-38) correct


11/28 Sat
5) (-14) N. Carolina State 6-3 defeats Syracuse 1-8 (36-29) 
6 ) (21) Ok State (-11) 5-2 defeats TX Tech 3-5 (50-45) correct
 (3) Ohio St (-28) 4-0 crushes ILL 2-3 Xld
7) (12) Indiana 4-1 (-11 1/2) crushes MD 2-1 (27-11) correct
8) (6) Fla 6-1 (-24) crushes KY (34-10) correct
9) SMU 7-2 (-11) defeats E. Carolina 2-6 (38-52) wrong

10) (16) Coastal Carolina 8-0 (-24) crushes TX St 2-9 (49-14) 
11) N. Western 5-0 (-13) crushes Michigan St. 1-3 (20-29) wrong
USC 3-0 (-13 1/2) defeats CO 2-0 XLD
12) (1) ALA 7-0 crushes (23) Auburn 5-2 (42-13) correct

13) (4) Clemson 7-1 (-24) crushes Pitt 5-4 (52-17) correct

Lucky 3

(7) Cinn 8-0 (-36) crushes Temple 1-6 Xld
14) (5) TX A&M 5-1 defeats LSU 3-3 (20-7) correct
15) (14) OK 6-2 (-10) defeats W.VA 5-3 XLD
16) (13) GA 5-2 (-21) crushes S. Carolina 2-6 (45-16) correct
17) Buffalo Bulls (from my home town NYC) crushes Kent St
(70-41). correct. Jaret Peterson ran for 409 yards and 8 touchdowns!  

I hope my picks you made alot of money. I made $850 profits!!!!!!!!

Good luck and may the force be with you. Thank you for reading my blog. Hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving. If you have a lot of leftovers, please give them to your friends and neighbors.

Friday, November 20, 2020

11/21/20 Free College Picks 12-1 By Expert, Kenny Rogers. Now 98-22 Moneyline 81.6%. Why don't you bet with me?

                              Welcome to  Kenny Rogers Gambling Blog

Kenny Rogers Sportsbook Poker Slots 

by Kenny Rogers


I guaranteed you winners without paying fees.  

Why do you pay handicappers to pick guaranteed winners for you $39.99 to $49.99?

How much did you pay for your

 Guaranteed Winners 

$49.99 to $99.99? 

My picks are free, and no fees!

  Picture of me at RT 66 Casino, Albuquerque, NM

Last week  12-1! now 81.6%

College 98-22 Win Moneyline 81.6%


40-6 86.9% last 3 weeks Awesome!!!!!

Sign up, minimum deposit $25, setup password/user name and bet.

You have your reasons for not signing up

 with me. There's 500,000+ betting sites.

Minimum Deposit $25

Look at my results!!!! You tried the rest of Professional Handicappers (that you have to pay). Why don't you try the best without

paying fees for Guaranteed Winners!!!!

I guaranteed you winners without paying fees. You pay $39.99-$49.99 guaranteed winners for 1-3 winners . Why do you pay handicappers to pick guaranteed winners for you? 

My picks are free, and no fees!

12-1 so far

Saturday, 16 games cancelled due to Virus. Let's get ready to rumble.

1) 10am Costal Carolina 7-0 (-4 1/2) defeats Appl St 6-1 (34-23) correct

2) 10am OH St 3-0 defeats IND 4-0 (42-35) correct

3) Clemson 7-1 (-35) crushes FSU 2-6 XLD

4) 10am Army 6-2 defeats GA Southern 6-2 (28-27) correct

5) 10am FLA 5-1 (-31) crushes Vanderbil 0-6 (38-17) correct

6) 1pm BYU 8-0 (-47 1/2) crushes N. Ala 0-3 (66-14) correct

7) 1pm Oregon 2-0 (-13) defeats UCLA 1-1 (38-35) correct

8) Marshall 7-0 crushes Charlotte 2-3Xld 

9) 2pm Ala 6-0 (-30) crushes KY 3-4 (63-3) correct

10) 2pm Iowa St 5-2 crushes KSU 4-3 (45-0) correct

11) 5pm OK 5-2 crushes OK St 5-2 (41-13) correct 

12) 5pm Auburn 4-2 defeats Tenn 2-4 (30-17) correct

13) 5:30pm GA 4-2 (-24 1/2) defeats MS St 2-4 (31-24) correct

14) 5:30pm Liberty 8-0 defeats NC St 5-3 (14-15) wrong


15) 8:30pm USC 2-0 (-2) defeats Utah 0-0

Sunday, November 15, 2020

11/29/2020. Free NFL Picks 12-4 This Week. Kenny Rogers Now 100-49-1.....67%

  Welcome to  Kenny Rogers Gambling Blog

Kenny Rogers Sportsbook Poker Slots 

by Kenny Rogers

12-4 Balt +10 (+425) vs -10 Pitt (-556)

Over/Under 41 

 Changed 4 times. 

Balt has 15 players who Covid Virus.


5-9 last Week 11/23-24 

12-4 This Week.  Kenny Rogers Now 100-49-1.....67% 

Wed 12/03


16) Pitts 10-0 defeats Balt 6-4. This was originally scheduled for Thanksgiving then Sun, now Tuesday, now Wed due to 19 players on Balt having Covid Virus. 

12-4 This Week.  Kenny Rogers Now 100-49-1.....67% 

  Picture of me at RT 66 Casino, Albuquerque, NM

 12-4 This Week.  Kenny Rogers Now 100-49-1.....67% 

Sign up, minimum deposit $25, setup password/user name and bet.

I had a terrible week Nov 29th!
But I'm still a proven winner since 1990........NFL 60%+
2020 College Football 80.37%+

How many of them had a 60%+ NFL win record since 1990?
 How many of them ever had a 2020 College win record 80.37%+ Moneyline?

Let's get ready to rumble!
NFL Football 11/29/20

Kenny Rogers (1990-1996) Las Vegas Experts Picks......

Last week 5-9 Nov 23-24 , Now 88-45-1 66%

 This week 11/26-12-01 
12-4 This Week.  Kenny Rogers Now 100-49-1.....67% 

I only play Win Moneyline!

My only concern is winning Moneyline and cashing many tickets. I do that every week.

I'm betting $25 to win every game Moneyline this week. 
In Las Vegas 1990-1996 I started betting $10 every week, then $20, $25, then $30, $40, $50, $60....$70...$80..$90....$100 per week very game!!

Thur 11/26
1)  (-3) Houston 3-7 defeats Detroit 4-6 (41-25) correct

2) Wash 3-7 defeats (-2 1/2) Dallas 3-7. This is the superbowl for 1st place in Eastern Division. Whoever win this games win the division. (41-16) correct
Balt 6-4 loses to Pitt 10-0.......Xld because a few players has Covid Virus. I'm so piss, expecting to see 3 game on Thanksgiving.

Sun 11/29
3) Las Vegas 6-4 (-3) defeats Atlanta 3-7 (6-43) wrong
4) Buffalo 7-3 (-5) defeats L. A. Chargers 3-7 (27-17) correct
5) NY Giants 3-7 (-6) defeats Cinn 2-7-1  (19-17) correct
6) Indpls 7-3 (-3) defeats Tenn 7-3 (25-46)
7) Minn 4-6 (-3 1/2) defeats Carolina 4-7 (28-27) correct
8) Ariz 6-4 (-1) defeats N. Eng 4-6 (17-20) wrong
9) Miami 6-4 (-7) defeats NY Jets 0-10 (20-3) correct
10) Clev 7-3 (-6) defeats Jacksonville 1-9 (27-25) correct

The Hottest Tickets On the Internet...Pop, Rock, Country, Hip-Hop, Festivals, Broadway, Las Vegas, NFL, NBA, NHL, MLB, MLS
Buy and sell tickets to concerts, theater shows, and sporting events anywhere in the world.

11) New Orleans 8-2 (-6) defeats Denver 4-6 (31-3) correct
12) LA Rams 7-3 defeats San Fran 4-6 (20-23) wrong

13) KC 9-1 (-3) defeats Tampa Bay 7-4 (27-24) correct

14) Green Bay 7-3 (8 1/2) defeats Chicago 5-5 (41- 24) correct
Mon 11/30
15) Seattle 7-3 defeats Phil 3-6-1 (23-17) correct

Wed 12/03
16) Pitts 10-0 defeats Balt 6-4. This was originally scheduled for Thanksgiving then Sun, now Tuesday, now Wed due to players on 19 Balt having Covid Virus.

  Balt +10 (+425) 14 vs -10 Pitt (-556) 19

Over/Under 41 

12-4 This Week.  Kenny Rogers Now 100-49-1.....67% 

May the force be with you and win alot of money. Good luck!

Hoe you and your family had a happy and healthy Thanksgiving. If you have left over food, please give it to your friends, neighbors or homeless.

Thank you for reading my blog. Best wishes.
Kenny Rogers

Thursday, November 12, 2020

11/12/20 Discover The Hidden Secrets of Winning Sports Betting! Win $500-$1,000+ week

  Welcome to  Kenny Rogers Gambling Blog

Kenny Rogers Sportsbook Poker Slots 

by Kenny Rogers

Discover The Hidden Secrets of Winning Sports Betting! 

Win $500-$1,000+ week


  At RT 66 Casino, Albuquerque, NM

Thank you my 100 winning friends and Followers 

(25 original friends from 1990)! 

Alot of you made $500-$1,000+ and no handicapping fees. Thank you everybody for sending me $50-$100 of your profits!!

Last week 18-3 Wow!!!!!

Now 76-19 80%

 I will teach you how to win

 $500-$1,000+ Week 

Winning Sports Betting!

11/13/20 Free College Picks (10-2) By Las Vegas Expert, Kenny Rogers. Now 86-21 Moneyline 80.37%, Wow what A Phenomen!

 Welcome to  Kenny Rogers Gambling Blog

Kenny Rogers Sportsbook Poker Slots 

by Kenny Rogers

  Picture of me at RT 66 Casino, Albuquerque, NM

Thank you my 100 winning Followers 

(25 original friends from 1990)! 

Alot of of my friends made $500-$1,000+ this week and no handicapping fees. Thank you everybody for sending me $50 each of your profits!!

That's $1,250!

Its nice getting money from your friends when they

 win and follow your bets. 

Last week 18-3 Wow!!!!!

Now 76-19 80%

10-2 this week, now 80.37%

28-5 84.8% last 2 weeks Awesome!!!!!

86-21 Win Moneyline 80.37%


I guaranteed you winners without paying money.

My picks are free! 

This is one of those incredible seasons. From 1990 to 2019 Proven Results from Moneyline Wins was 60%+.

2020 My Moneyline Wins is 80.37%!!!!!

I only bet top 25 teams. Can somebody explain this Phenomenon to me! 

  How much are you paying for a guaranteed win? $39.95-$49.95 for 1-3 guaranteed picks.  

Daily Picks
Alex Smart3 Plays
ASA2 Plays
Ben Burns1 Play
Bill Marzano2 Plays
Brian Bitler1 Play
Brian Edwards1 Play
Bruce Marshall2 Plays
Gary Bart1 Play
Jim Feist1 Play
Kevin Rogers1 Play
Kyle Hunter1 Play
Matt Blunt1 Play
Matt Fargo1 Play
Micah Roberts4 Plays
Michael Black1 Play
NeiltheGreek4 Plays
Scott Pritchard1 Play
S. Rickenbach2 Plays
Stephen Nover1 Play
The Gold Sheet1 Play
Alex Smart1 Play
Ben Burns1 Play
Bill Marzano1 Play
Brian Bitler1 Play
Brian Edwards1 Play
Bruce Marshall1 Play
Gary Bart1 Play
Kevin Rogers1 Play
Kyle Hunter1 Play
Matt Fargo1 Play
Micah Roberts1 Play
Michael Black1 Play
NeiltheGreek1 Play
Scott Pritchard1 Play
S. Rickenbach1 Play
Stephen Nover1 Play

I get no commission for posting this info.

How much did you pay for 6-7 guarantee winners $79-$98+. 

I don't understand why you have to pay for winners. You think these handicappers from are great!

My picks are free! 

I give you alot of winners! Your cost is zero!!!


I went 18-3 last week 

10-2 this weeek

wow 28-5 last 2 weeks 84.8% last 2 weeks Awesome!!!!!

Place your bets! Sign up,

 minimum deposit $25 and bet!

I receive a small commission when you sign up. 

I was a Payroll Manager for 35 years and made 

all my employees happy every week. Processed

over 10 million+ checks with no errors. 

Was 401K Administrator and had 99% signups!

  Now 86-21 80.37%
1990-1996 I was living in 
Las Vegas, Nevada
at 3540 W. Sahara Avenue........
That's what my Nevada State ID card reads.

I had 25 original friends and every Sat we
would go to Ceasars Palace
place our bets, drink and party.
I had a proven record of 60%+ 
winning Moneyline since 1990.

Today my college picks is

Drinking, Eating, Partying, Swimming with these beautiful ladies.
Lucky 3

Thank you for allowing me share my history in Las Vegas!

Let's get ready to ramble. Are you ready to earn
Alot of money???

Lets GO
Odds furnished by
11/13 Fri 10-11am
1) Cinn (-27) 6-0 crushes ECU 1-5 (55-17) correct

11/14 Sat  10-10:30
2) Miami (Fl +3) 6-1 defeats Va Tech 4-3 (25-24) correct
3) Costal Car (-8)7-0 crushes Troy 4-3 XLD
4) Marshall (-23) 6-0 crushes MTSU 2-5 (42-14) correct
5) Liberty (-33 1/2)7-0 defeats WCU 0-0 (58-14) correct
6) Army (+5) (I was a Paymaster discharged 1982) 6-1 defeats Tulane 4-4 (12-38) wrong

1-2 pm games
7) Tx A&M 5-1 defeats TN 2-4 (watch out! Tenn may play better. Watch out possible upset). XLD
8) Notre Dame (-13)7-0 crushes BC (45-31) correct

4:30-5:30 games
Lucky 3

9) Fla (-17 1/2) 4-1 crushes ARK 3-3 (63-35) correct
10) Oreg (-10) 1-0 defeats WSU 1-0 (43-29) correct
11) SMU(+2 1/2) 7-1 defeats Tulane 3-1 (24-28) wrong
12) Nev (+14 1/2) 3-0 defeats N.Mexico 0-2 (27-20) correct
13) N. Car (-12 1/2) 4-2 defeats FL St 2-5 (59-53) correct

14) UNLV 0-3 get crushed by San Jose ST(-15 1/2) 3-0 (17-34) correct

Thank you my friends and followers. Good luck and may the force be with you. Check out my other blog....
NFL Picks by Kenny Rogers

Best wishes, Kenny Rogers

Sunday, November 8, 2020

11/15/2020. Free NFL Expert Picks 9-4 by Kenny Rogers 73-32-1 69.1%. How are your paid handicappers doing? Anyone doing 69.1%?

Welcome to  Kenny Rogers Gambling Blog

Kenny Rogers Sportsbook Poker Slots 

by Kenny Rogers

Sunday Picks Coming Soon


My Daddy

  At RT 66 Casino, Albuquerque, NM

Thank you my 100 winning Followers 

(25 original friends from 1990)! 

Alot of you made $500-$1,000+ and no handicapping fees. Thank you my friends for sending me $50-$100 of your profits!! 

Thats $1,250 to $2,500+ per week. 

Tell your friends.

Last week College  18-3 Wow!!!!!

College Win Record Now 76-19 80%


NFL Free Expert Picks last week 9-4 

by Kenny Rogers 

73-32-1 69.1%

Sunday Free NFL Picks Coming Soon

I guaranteed you winners without paying money.

My picks are free! Tell your friends.

 How must are you paying for guaranteed winners $39.95 to $49.95 for 1-3 guaranteed picks.


Daily Picks
Alex Smart3 Plays
ASA2 Plays
Ben Burns1 Play
Bill Marzano2 Plays
Brian Bitler1 Play
Brian Edwards1 Play
Bruce Marshall2 Plays
Gary Bart1 Play
Jim Feist1 Play
Kevin Rogers1 Play
Kyle Hunter1 Play
Matt Blunt1 Play
Matt Fargo1 Play
Micah Roberts4 Plays
Michael Black1 Play
NeiltheGreek4 Plays
Scott Pritchard1 Play
S. Rickenbach2 Plays
Stephen Nover1 Play
The Gold Sheet1 Play
Alex Smart1 Play
Ben Burns1 Play
Bill Marzano1 Play
Brian Bitler1 Play
Brian Edwards1 Play
Bruce Marshall1 Play
Gary Bart1 Play
Kevin Rogers1 Play
Kyle Hunter1 Play
Matt Fargo1 Play
Micah Roberts1 Play
Michael Black1 Play
NeiltheGreek1 Play
Scott Pritchard1 Play
S. Rickenbach1 Play
Stephen Nover1 Play

I get no commission for posting this info,

My picks are free! Tell your friends.

I went 18-3 College last week 

and made alot of money for 

my friends and followers.

Alot of you made $500-$1,000 and no handicapping fees. Thank you my friends for sending me $50-$100 of your profits!!

Thats $1,250 to $2,500+ per week.

Tell your friends that I make money for them! Does everybody likes winning money every week? Better than working at a job!

Place your bets! Sign up below,

 minimum deposit $25 and bet!

If you don't want to sign up on my website 

and bet with me (with a minimum of $25), that's your business (maybe you don't like my name, maybe you don't like how I write my blogs. (English was my worst class). 

This is my style of writing, and it is what is!

 I have a proven win record of 

60%+ since 1990. 

I make money for my friends and followers without paying fees!

I receive a small commission when you sign up.

Been writing a long time and not earning much commissions. 

I was a Payroll Manager for 35 years and made 

all my employees happy every wk. Processed

over 10 million+ checks with no errors. Was 401K Administrator and had 99% signups! I processed all mortgage vertfications, unemployment claims, health insurance sign-ups.

I took care of all my employees,

Its time that people care for me and pay me back!

I processed 10 Million Checks+

  Now 76-19 80%
1990-1996 I was living in 
Las Vegas, Nevada
at 3540 W. Sahara Avenue........
That's what my Nevada State ID card reads.

I had 25 original friends and every Sat we
would go to Ceasars Palace
place our bets, drink and party.
I had a proven record of 60%+ 
winning Moneyline since 1990.

Today my college picks is

Drinking, Eating, Partying, Swimming with these beautiful ladies.
Lucky 3

Thank you for allowing me share my history in Las Vegas! I drank alot everyday, gambled and max out my debit cards /credit cards, and party non-stop.

 I remember in 1996 when my father in NY was dying..........
I was like Nicolas Cage, Leaving Las Vegas

Let's get ready to ramble. Are you ready to earn

Alot of money??? 

1) Denver 3-4 loses to Atlanta 2-6 (27-34) correct
2) Seattle 6-1 defeats Buffalo 6-2 (34-44) wrong
3) Chicago 5-3 loses to Tenn 5-2 (17-24) correct
4) Baltimore 5-2 defeats INDPLS 5-2 (24-10) correct 
5) Carolina 3-5 loses to KC 7-1(31-33) correct
6) Detroit 3-4 loses to Minn 2-5 (20-34) correct
7) NY Giants 1-7 loses to Washington 2-5 (23-20) wrong

8) Houston 1-6 loses to Jacksonville 1-6 (27-25) wrong
9) Las Vegas 4-3 defeats LA Chargers 2-5 (31-26) correct
10) Pittsburg 7-0 defeats Dallas 2-6 (24-19) correct. Pittsburg missed field goal, Dallas missed field goal and extra point kick. 
11) Miami 4-3 defeats Arizona 5-2 (34-31) correct. Arizona missed field goal.  
12) New Orleans 5-2 loses to Tampa 6-2(38-3) wrong. Worst game of career for Brady, 3 interceptions no touchdowns.

13) New England 2-5 defeats NY Jets 0-8 (30-27) correct

Coming Soon........

Discover the Hidden Secrets of Winning 
Sports Betting